Project ACTIVATE: The ACT Vet app
ACT Vet is a free resource app, that enables the user to follow a gambling support programme. ACT Vet is based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and is structured through a series of ‘steps’. ACT Vet is currently being evaluated after the first phase of testing. If you wish to try the public version of ACT Vet, please download the app using your respective app store. Future updates regrading ACT Vet will be made on this website.
Lived Experience
The experiences of people who have been affected by gambling difficulties, either their own difficulties or the difficulties of others, are at the heart of the ACTIVATE project. Read more to learn about how we used lived experience to shape the ACTVet app, and how you could be involved in our research. We need people on our lived experience panel.
Our Publications
Read our publications and reports here